They Smashed! Wendy Williams’ Night with Method Man Detailed

4 min readJan 28, 2021


It seems that her several shocking past events in life are not going to end soon since Wendy Williams’ night with Method Man has definitely shocked the fans.

The Wendy Williams Show host has now alleged that she had a one night stand with Wu-Tang Clan stand out Method Man before the release of her forthcoming biopic and doc, Wendy Williams: The Movie and Wendy Williams: What A Mess.

In a particular interview with Power 105’s DJ Suss One, Williams talked about an incident at a club where a fight broke out, and she left the scene with the rapper.

She describes how she took Meth back to her condo in Jersey, saying, “gave him a bath, smoked a blunt with him and, you know the rest.” Wendy dished on the details of the night she had back in the day in which she claims that she seduced the rapper as she invited to her penthouse.

Wendy was talking with DJ Suss One, as she recalled, “I smoked a blunt with Method Man, while I gave him a bath, and it was just a one night stand.” The broadcaster went on to say that Method Man is still very angry at her for telling the truth. “he will deny it, maybe not.”, she said.

“I guess I batted my eyes, and you know, rocked my shoulder, you know how I do. I said you know you want to come over?’ and he replied, yeah, I will follow you. I said, gimme your hand, and I took his hand, and he put his head down, and I put my head down.”

As it seems, people did not realize that at the time, it was Wendy Williams and one of the biggest stars, the leader of the biggest groups in the world. “ just left, Got into her pathfinder, and went back to her penthouse in Jersey City.”, she added.

Meth obviously still has some problems with Wendy after she outed his wife’s cancer in 2006, so revealing their claimed sexcapade can definitely help to complicate any resolution.

Wendy Williams’ Night with Method Man Following Their Conflict

Wendy also disclosed that she and the lead member of the East Coast hip hop collective’s tryst included her pleasing him while she smoked weed. The host also asked Williams, “I do not know if I am asking too much but Did you guys go all the way? and she answered, “yes.”

“Where she bathed him in her Jacuzzi tub, and I smoked some more weed, you know that was back in the Coke days, I do not remember what he did, and I am not gonna accuse him of that.”

In the same sentence, Wendy and Method Man is not new but surely not for the latest juicy bit of her one night stand with the rapper. In 2006 Meth had a personal fight with Wendy in which the hostess told her show audience about the rapper’s wife, who has cancer.

Meth’s family had not even known that his wife had cancer, which caused Method Man to become enraged at Wendy and started their conflict.

The media personality also reported rumors that Method Man was having an affair with his wife’s doctor. According to the rapper, he heard the news while recording music in the studio.

He then called out Wendy, “what kind of sh t is that man…you say the f*k you want to say about me, say nothing about my family, man.” Yeah, he got really pissed.

Method Man is yet to respond to the latest revelation by Wendy. Meanwhile, it seems that one person is grossed out by the revelation. Erykah Badu responded to a video of the interview shared by Shaderoom with “yuk.”

Rumor of Wendy Williams’ Boyfriend Doctor

As it turned out, Dr. Darrin Porcher was not Wendy Williams’ new boyfriend. Following a report claiming the former cop and criminal justice specialist was dating the daytime talk show host, Porcher particularly stated that they were not together, though he joked he wished they were.

“It is flattering to hear, but it is not the case,” he said. “I am in a relationship, and I just worked security for her for a couple of weeks after she filed for divorce.” Porcher’s account lines up with a report that Wendy, 54, beefed up security to protect her from estranged husband, Kevin Hunter.

Dr. Darrin, who now works as a professor at Pace University and has even appeared on Wendy’s show in the past as a correspondent, joked he would not mind being Williams’ arm candy.

“I wish that was the case, but I should not say that since I do have somebody,” he joked. “I should say; fortunately, that is not the case.”

On Monday’s episode of her talk show, the broadcaster revealed that she is dating a doctor in his 50s, saying, “I am not in love, but there is somebody that I am crazy about.”

Originally published at on January 28, 2021.




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